Monday, January 16, 2012

What Mitt Should Have Said

The only thing worse than Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry's attacks on Mitt Romney's stint at Bain Capital was Romney's response.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Payroll Tax Cuts and Social Security Opt-Outs

In 1996, there was a study showing that members of Generation X were more likely to believe in UFOs than Social Security still existing by the time they'd be eligible to receive it.  This stuck out in my mind because, as I read it in my High School library, I distinctly remember thinking, "Yeah, that sounds about right."

Not that I'm a big believer in extraterrestrial intelligence, but even back then, I could see the odds.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Baseline Budgeting: An Introduction to Government Accounting

I was originally planning on starting a post on the failure of the so-called "Super Committee" to come to an agreement, but a major point of that article will depends on understanding how Washington keeps its books.  Anyone who looks closely at Washington will see that our government does a lot of things in ways that no sane person would consider, and naturally, spending money is one of them.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why I Started This Blog

There's a quote, often attributed to Winston Churchill, that states, "If you are not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart and if you are not conservative at thirty, you have no brain."  If you subscribe to this standard, I was heartless from Middle School until I reached the age that the brain takes over.